Kopa Birth Class Details
- deep relaxation practice through guided imagery and positive affirmations
- breathing strategies including vocalization
- gravity-promoting positions to enhance comfort and labor progression
- a five-sensory focus & hands-on comfort measures: massage and counter pressure
The birthing couple will be able to self-advocate and share all decision-making with healthcare providers about:
common hospital procedures including: (fetal monitoring, IV’s, induction, augmentation, assisted delivery and cesarean birth)
pain management options including medications, epidurals, nitrous oxide & TENS unit
communicating effectively with the hospital staff and the doctor and/or midwife (informed consent, informed choice & informed refusal)
creating an effective birth preferences list
**You have the option to select a Private 6.5 hour Intensive Natural Childbirth Class or a Private 3.5 hour Condensed Natural Childbirth Class,
suitable as a refresher course or for anyone seeking insight on coping skills and strategies for natural birth in a hospital or birth center setting.
***Contact me directly to set up date and time for your private class, before making payment.
**The Confident Breastfeeding 2.5 Hour class prepares you for a successful lactation journey. You’ll learn how to build an abundant milk supply, respond to early hunger cues, confirm evidence of milk transfer, detect any symptoms of breastfeeding malfunction and gain insight to utilizing breastfeeding accessories. You will also learn the best timing to begin pumping and when to introduce pumped breastmilk by bottle. You will practice five different nursing positions and learn how to prevent sore nipples with a proper asymmetrical latch.**